
Electrical Fires: How do They Happen & How to Prevent Them

Electrical Fires: How do They Happen & How to Prevent Them

After pouring so much time, money, and energy into purchasing a house, you obviously don’t want to lose it in a fire. Regardless of whether you own a fixer-upper, an old Tudor, or even a beachside mansion, an electrical fire can take it away in no time.

Faulty wiring and electrical malfunctions are often the cause of house fires, making annual inspections and safety precautions essential. Keep reading to understand how house fires start and learn how to take the proper steps to keep your home safe.

Faulty, Outdated Wiring

Older homes are typically equipped with older, worn-down electrical wiring. Because older wiring isn’t able to sufficiently power modern-day appliances and devices, the system runs the risk of overloading and generating sparks. To lower your risk of an electrical fire, contact a professional electrician to upgrade your home’s wiring system as soon as possible.

Signs of Faulty, Outdated Wiring

●        Frayed Wires

●        Hot Spots On Walls

●        Outlets Or Appliances Are Smoking

●        Burn Smell And Scorch Marks On Lights

●        You Can Hear Buzzing Or Humming Sounds

●        Lights Won’t Stay On Consistently

●        Circuit Breakers Trip Too Often

Faulty Outlets

Worn-down outlets are susceptible to sparking, making them major fire hazards. Take the time to regularly inspect your home’s outlets and tighten any loose components, including wires and sockets.

Take early precautions to prevent electrical fires by getting professional electrical repair before it is too late. Schedule a professional upgrade if your outlets haven’t been professionally handled in several years.

Signs of Faulty Outlet

●        Outlet Wall Plate is Burnt or Discolored

●        It Sparks

●        It Has A Burning Smell

●        Smoke Comes Out Of It

●        Plugs No Longer Fit In It

●        Outlet Only Has Two Prongs

Circuit Overloads

Circuit breakers are key tools for preventing electrical fires in your home. Without these pieces, overloaded circuits can result in arc faults that cause insulation or other surrounding materials to catch fire.

Arc fault circuit breakers terminate these surges before they can cause a fire by immediately interrupting the circuit. If you want to prevent a house fire from an overloaded circuit, have an arc fault circuit breaker system installed in your home.

Signs of Circuit Overloads

●        Too Many Things Plugged Into Outlets

●        Exceeded Wattage Limit

●        Too Many Extension Cords, Power Strips, and Adapters

●        Breaker Shuts Down Frequently

●        Appliances Lack Power

●        Burning Smell

●        Outlets Give Off A Light Shock When Touched

Outdated Appliances

While you may feel hesitant to give up on an old microwave that still seems to work, you may want to consider replacing it with a newer model. Older appliances typically have loose wiring that can easily overload and cause a fire. You should regularly update your appliances so that they continue to function at an efficient and safe level.

Signs of Outdated Appliances

●        Higher Energy Bills

●        Higher Energy Consumption/Lower Energy Efficiency

●        No Longer Works Fully

●        Burning Smell

●        Makes Unusual Noises

●        Cords Connecting It Are Frayed

Improper Light Fixtures

Not all light fixtures are compatible with every light bulb. When a light bulb isn’t compatible with a certain fixture, it may result in a house fire. Custom lighting installed by a professional electrician can not only help you prevent fire hazards, but it can also ensure all of your specific requirements are met.

Signs of Improper Light Fixtures

●        Crackling and Buzzing Sounds

●        Foul Or Burning Smell

●        Light Fixtures Feel Excessively Hot

●        The Light Fixture Is Scorched Or Has Burn Marks

●        The Wire Connection Is Damaged

●        Lights Won’t Stay On

Outdated Electrical Panels

While replacing your electrical panels may seem like a chore or an unnecessary expense, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Outdated electrical panels are one of the most common causes of electrical fires, and many signs that indicate they are obsolete or aren’t working properly are similar to other electrical issues. Electrical fires can happen at any time, so don’t hesitate to get professional help.

Signs of Outdated Electrical Panels

●        Dim And Flickering Lights

●        Old Wiring Systems

●        Burning Odor

●        Circuit Breaker Need To Be Reset Frequently

●        Electrical Panel Is Emitting Heat

●        Breaker Box Makes Noises

●        Breaker Trips Too Often

Your Trusted Team of Electricians

Electrical fires are preventable when you take the correct safety precautions. SoCal Electrical & Lighting is ready to help you stay ahead of fire hazards with professional and effective electrical services. From wiring updates to custom lighting installation, we have the tools and expertise necessary to help you keep your home safe.

We’re the electrical company that Coachella valley homeowners can count on! Contact Socal Electrical & Lighting to schedule your service by calling 760-699-2686.

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